Multi-Chain DEX in order book
Trade Smarter, Trade HiFive.
Layered Trading Architecture
Order Book Trading System
Joined Users
Trading Volume
Transaction Counts
Crowdfunding Programme
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Our Sponsor List
  • total:69
  • total:1,000,000
Genesis Block
HiFive aims to design a forward-looking trading model, targeting the development direction of Layer2 and its users, rather than the current space.

By promoting the order matching paradigm, it strives to enhance the trading experience and security, offering a superior price discovery mechanism, and addressing the inherent flaws of current AMM trading, such as excessive slippage and insufficient liquidity.
Off-chain matching & On-chain settlement model
  • authorFull Decentralised
  • authorLow Transaction Costs
  • authorHigh Efficiency
  • authorFast & Security


Spot Market Price Order

  • Directly exchange 50 basic assets such as BTCETC, and BNB.
  • Instant settlement.
  • High-speed matching engine to ensure fasttransaction execution.
  • Rate: 0.5% flat rate.


Spot Limit Order

  • Users can set the desired buying or selling price.
  • The order will be executed only when the market price reachesthe limit price set by the user.
  • Supports partial transaction function, and the remaining unfilledparts will continue to be placed.
  • Rate: 0.3% flat rate.


Contract Market Order & Contract Limit Order

  • Ensure that the contract price is closely linked to the spot price through thefunding fee mechanism.
  • Supports up to 20x leverage.
  • Rate: 0.12% for contract market orders & 0.06% for contract limit orders


HiFive V1 version
Focusing on framework construction and function construction, the HiFive order model architecture (including on-chain and off-chain matching platforms) will be implemented; spot DEX, limit orders, margin contracts and perpetual contracts will be implemented.
Before Q2 2024
HiFive V2 version
Focusing on DEX ecological construction, the blockchain supported by HiFive has been extended to second-layer networks such as Arbiturm and Polygon to realize multi-chain deployment; customized transaction functions (HOOK module) and more strategy optimization.
Before Q2 2025
HiFive V3 version
A full-ecological DEX driven by DAO, independently customized DEX blockchain operation; an aggregated DEX ecology; committed to becoming the infrastructure of the Web3 world.
Q1 2026